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3 Juices that relieve stress

Juicing has become my life! I've experimented with lots of fruits, veggies and super foods to achieve amazing results. I was drinking juice for breakfast and lunch because 1). drinking juice satisfied a sweet tooth and 2). I began to notice its calming benefits. Instead of feeling stressed and frustrated, I felt energized. Don't get me wrong there's no cure-all food or drink to erase frustration, but you can get some stress relief by including more of these juices in your diet.

My 3 favorite stress relieving juices.

BeUty Beet Juice


2 apples (Red Delicious)

½ red beet

½ lemon

¼ carrot

½ celery stalk

½ cucumber

½ inch slice of ginger root

¼ cup of ice

Juice all the ingredients, pour over ice and enjoy. Tip: Juice one apple, then pack the beet, lemon, carrot, celery, cucumber and ginger tight, then push through the juicer to get more juice.

Summary: Beets have an abundance of beneficial nutrients and a collection of positive effects on our nervous system. They are packed with essential vitamins, plant compounds and minerals. Beet juice is alkaline. Lowering the acidity in the body with alkaline foods reduces stress. Beet juice helps to cleanse and protect bile ducts as well as stimulate liver cells. The liver is the organ that is most affected by excess stress or emotions and is known to store anger, so cleanse it with beets. Beet betalains provide strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support for the body. Eating beets can help you beet stress.

Kickin’ Carrot Juice


2 apples (Red Delicious)

2 medium carrots

½ lemon

1 thin slice of ginger root (about an inch thick)

¼ cup of ice

Juice apples, carrots , ginger root and lemon, then pour over ice.

Kickin’ Carrot Juice

Summary: This juice in my opinion is delicious and perfectly balanced. It’s slightly sweet with a bit of a kick from the ginger. It is also incredibly healthy with Vitamins A, K and beta-carotene from the carrots (this mixture works together to keep our body free from oxidative stress and free radicals that damage our cells), vitamin C from the apples and anti-inflammatory benefits from the ginger (among others). You can certainly play around with these ingredients, adjusting as necessary to your preferred taste.

It's Good Green


2 apples (Red Delicious)

1 cup of spinach

¼ pineapple

¼ cucumber

½ lime

¼ cup of ice

Peel the lime, leaving the pith.

Juice the apple, pineapple, cucumber and lime.

Pour the juice into the blender, then add the spinach. Side note: adding the spinach to a blender is a preferred choice of mine, you can pack this in a juicer as well.

Summary: This juice is high in Vitamin C which lowers cortisol levels, boost mood and improves sleep. This juice is consumed at least 2-3 per week as a healthy preventative in my household.

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